mercredi 3 septembre 2008


Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company
Main Category: Property Management ConsultantsFirst Address : PO Box 23175City : LusailCountry : QatarPhone: 974 4 974444Fax: 974 4 974333



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Barwa, Diar plan utility venture with France's SuezSunday, 25 May 2008
Venture will focus on water treatment, distribution and district cooling, companies say.
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Qatar to build Palestinian communityThursday, 22 May 2008
Town will comprise of 5,000 affordable homes between Ramallah and Nablus on West Bank.
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Qatari Diar to set up $3bn global fundTuesday, 20 May 2008
State-owned property investment vehicle also planning to develop $2bn project in Hong Kong.
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First images of Bahrain-Qatar causeway revealedThursday, 8 May 2008
The 40 km bridge will reduce travel between Gulf states from 5 hours to 30 mins.
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Qatar, Castro talk health and hotelsWednesday, 30 April 2008
Emir meets Cuban president to discuss agreements on tourism and a new general hospital.
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Qatar to build $70mn Cuba resortTuesday, 29 April 2008
State-owned Qatari Diar to develop five-star tourist resort Cayo Largo on island off Cuban mainland.
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Qatar finalises $2.5bn Chelsea Barracks loanMonday, 3 March 2008
Loan complies with Islam's ban on interest, will also help cover development costs.
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Qatar raises $2.5bn for Chelsea BarracksTuesday, 12 February 2008
State investment firm agrees Islamic loan to finance acquisition and development of the London Landmark.
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Qatar plans $250mn Syria developmentTuesday, 12 February 2008
State-owned Qatari Diar Real Estate to build Ibn Hani Bay resort near Lattakia on Mediterranean coast.
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Qataris buy jewel of Chelsea for $2bnThursday, 31 January 2008
Former military camp Chelsea Barracks to be demolished and replaced with luxury housing.
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Arcapita, Qatar Diar target utilities sectorSunday, 16 December 2007
New company Diar Infrastructure Services to oversee utilities in Qatar's $5.5bn Lusail development.
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Diar-Vinci consortium tipped to win packageSaturday, 6 October 2007
A consortium led by state-owned Qatari Diar and French construction firm Vinci has signed a memorandum of understanding to design the Bahrain-Qatar Causeway.
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Deal inked for 40km mega-bridge Sunday, 30 September 2007
Qatari Diar and French construction firm sign preliminary deal to build the $2bn Qatar-Bahrain bridge.
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Lagoona to target discerning shoppersSunday, 23 September 2007
With Qatar's luxury goods sector booming, Lagoona mall aims to gain a loyal clientele.
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Morocco gears up for five-star investmentsTuesday, 17 July 2007
Hotel investors have set their sights on Morocco for new top-end developments.
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Qatar, Libya set up joint projectsWednesday, 20 June 2007
Boosted relations could see a joint investment fund, bank and property development firm.
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Qatar to build Egypt's largest industrial zoneWednesday, 30 May 2007
State-owned real estate giant Qatari Diar is looking to attract $2.8bn worth of investment.
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Revealed: Gulf's most admired companiesSaturday, 14 April 2007
Arabian Business has published its '50 Most Admired' list of regional companies.
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Qatar's Barwa buys $542m Paris buildingThursday, 12 April 2007
Purchase marks Qatar's second European real estate acquisition this month.
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Qatar buys Chelsea Barracks in LondonMonday, 9 April 2007
Deal - worth around $1.18bn - could see Qatar build luxury apartments in the UK capital.
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Qatar's Lusail secures major backingFriday, 9 March 2007
Investment bank Masraf Al Rayan will fund a key part of the $2.25 billion Lusail Waterfront project.
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PHD retains prized Qatari Diar accountSunday, 26 November 2006
Real estate giant Qatari Diar has re-appointed PHD following the company's first review of its regional media arrangements.
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Qatari Diar set for river resi resort in KhartoumFriday, 6 October 2006
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lundi 1 septembre 2008


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La France a besoin dun Maroc stable, dun Maroc de développement, dun Maroc démocratique, dun Maroc pluriel et dun Maroc qui ne renie pas son passé", a dit M. Sarkozy, estimant que linvestissement au Maroc "cest dabord faire confiance au Royaume du Maroc pour se développer". Le chef dEtat français a exprimé, dans ce cadre, sa considération pour le courage de SM le Roi Mohammed VI. "Revisiter lhistoire marocaine, revisiter les années de plomb, indemniser les victimes et évoquer ces sujets, cest le fait dun Souverain courageux", atil dit, précisant que la France veut accompagner le Maroc dans ce chemin vers la modernité. Il a souligné que son pays -na aucun droit acquis- au Maroc et les entreprises françaises doivent partir à égalité avec les autres et faire preuve de combativité pour réussir sur le marché marocain.
Le président français a mis laccent également sur limportance des décisions politiques dans le monde des affaires, précisant que le politique nest pas lennemie de léconomique. -Je suis pour léconomie de marché, pour la concurrence, pour la mondialisation et pour la liberté, mais cela ne veut pas dire la démission des politiques", a-t-il précisé, notant que le marché ne peut pas tout prévoir et tout organiser, doù la nécessité dune volonté stratégique.
Il a cité à titre d'exemple le projet du train à grande vitesse (TGV), le premier dans le monde arabe, qui ne peut pas se faire sans un engagement politique des deux chefs d'Etat. Allez-y totalement et sans réserve, sans aucune idée préconçue et sans droit acquis, a lancé M. Sarkozy à ladresse des quelque 70 hommes d'affaires français qui ont fait le déplacement à loccasion de la visite officielle de trois jours du président français dans le Royaume.
Lors de leur rencontre, initiée par le groupe d'impulsion économique maroco-français, les communautés daffaires des deux pays ont affiché clairement leurs ambitions davenir, en sengageant solennellement à approfondir encore plus leurs partenariats et en tirant profit de la synergie existant entre les deux parties. Cette rencontre était en fait un cadre opportun pour les patronats des deux pays (CGEM et le MEDEF) et au Groupe dimpulsion économique conjoint de lancer un débat franc sur les perspectives dune relation que tout le monde considère exemplaire, mais qui a besoin dêtre repensée à la lumière des mutations en cours aussi bien dans le Royaume que dans lHexagone. En marge de cette rencontre, le gouvernement marocain a signé trois accords avec des entreprises françaises.
Il sagit des accords avec le groupe touristique Accor, la société Sagem, filiale du groupe Safran, et lEcole Supérieure de Commerce (Sup de Co) de Toulouse qui viendra simplanter à Casablanca. MAP

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Sofitel Luxembourg Le Grand Ducal
Découvrez ce nouvel hôtel où l'élégance à la française et les nouvelles technologies ne font qu'un.
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Palais Stephanie by Sofitel
Au cœur de la célèbre croisette de Cannes, découvrez le Palais Stephanie by Sofitel, l'hotel idéal pour combiner affaires et loisirs.
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Sofitel Wanda Beijing
Situé au coeur de Beijing, non loin de la Place Tiananmen et de la Cité Interdite, découvrez cet hôtel 5* à l'architecture surprenante.

jeudi 28 août 2008

Zenith International

Zenith International provides a full range of specialist consulting services to the food and drink industries worldwide.

About Zenith
Recognised since the 1990s as Europe’s leading drinks consultancy, Zenith International has over 1,000 clients across more than 50 countries.

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*world leading as well as local and newly formed food and drink manufacturers
*equipment, ingredient and packaging suppliers
*financial institutions, agencies and
*other consultancies

trade associations and public authorities
The company’s main activities involve comprehensive market analysis, strategic and commercial advice, financial and technical consulting projects, information services, trade journals and event organisation.
With some 70 staff based in the World Heritage City of Bath.
Zenith services are also available through our International Offices in Dubai, Boston, Warsaw and China!

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Our information services include industry reports and market projections, personalised news services, a dedicated newsletter for the functional drinks industry, online data resources and continuous market monitoring services. Zenith's associated company, Zenith International Publishing, also publishes several highly respected industry magazines.

Our consulting activities are wide ranging. These include tailormade market studies, strategic advice, acquisitions and due diligence, business plans and cost modelling through to plant construction and operational efficiency, environmental audits and groundwater development.

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zenith Vale Water

Zenith International retains its specialist expertise in bottled water and other soft drinks.
The company continues to extend its world class expertise into other food and drink sectors, such as alcohol, dairy products and hot drinks.

For further details, please visit each main sector area:
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Global Investment House -بيت الاستثمار العالمي

Investment Objective
To grow the Fund by investing its assets in funds that invest in equities, fixed income, currencies and commodities in the global markets.
Investment Strategythe Fund will focus on global aggressive strategies. The managers will benefit from the opportunities that present themselves in the markets through investing in equity hedge funds, fixed income hedge funds, commodity trading advisors (CTAs) and macro funds.
Fund Summary
Fund Structure:
Kingdom of Bahrain
Fund Manager:
Global Investment House “Global”
The Manager, acting in the capacity of the Administrator
Sub Administrator:
GAM Fund Management Ltd., Dublin
Gulf Clearing Company BSE

Global Funds Performance

Click here to download the June '08 Funds Booklet (pdf)

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The Delmon Fund
Equity Fund
Oct 2004
Jul 2008
BD 205.475
Global GCC Islamic Fund
Jul 2007
Jul 2008
$ 122.69
Global EPADI Fund
Sectoral Fund
May 2006
Jul 2008
$ 140.43
Global GCC Large Cap Fund
Equity Fund
Feb 2005
$ 148.40
Global 10 Large Cap. Index Fund
Index Fund
Nov 2000
KD 2.123
Global Al-Mamoun Fund - A
Equity Fund
Apr 2001
KD 0.984
Global Al-Mamoun Fund - B
Equity Fund
Apr 2001
KD 0.984
Global Islamic Fund
Money Market Fund
Dec 2002
KD 1.263
4.65% (ann.)
Global KD Money Market Fund
Money Market Fund
May 1999
KD 1.512
5.51% (ann.)
Global Kibor Plus Fund
Fixed Income Fund
Nov 2003
Jul 2008
KD 1.226
4.75% (ann.)
Global Local Fund
Equity Fund
Jan 2003
KD 3.495
Al-Durra Islamic Fund
Equity Fund
May 2004
KD 2.839
Global Bond Fund
Fixed Income Fund
Jan 2002
KD 1.098
1.86% (ann.)
Global Increasable Guaranteed Fund
Guaranteed Fund
Mar 2004
Jul 2008
KD 1.396

Inception Date
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Global Umbrella Fund - Asia/Japan
Hedge Fund
Apr 2000
Jul 2008
$ 140.11
Global Umbrella Fund - Europe
Hedge Fund
Apr 1999
Jul 2008
$ 212.05
Global European Equity Index Fund
Index Fund
Mar 2004
Euro 132.53
The Zenith Fund
Hedge Fund
Jan 2004
Jul 2008
$ 129.78
Global Umbrella Fund - Advanced Sciences
Hedge Fund
Jan 2003
Jun 2008
$ 129.73
Global Umbrella Fund - US
Hedge Fund
Apr 1999
Jul 2008
$ 209.25
Global USD Money Market Fund
Money Market Fund
Jul 2002
$ 126.30
4.32% (ann.)
Global Distressed Fund
Hedge Fund
Oct 2002
Jul 2008
$ 179.30
Global US Equity Index Fund
Index Fund
Mar 2004
$ 108.41
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mercredi 27 août 2008

Michel Chazelas Holding

michel chazelas

Founder and owner at Orion Promotion
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NORMAN PARKER®et les Promoteurs immobiliers en réseau vous souhaitent la bienvenue sur leur site.
La Franchise pourquoi ?
Opportunité de l'option Franchise Pour répondre aux exigences croissantes des assurances, des banques et des clients, le réseau Norman Parker® propose une solution originale de rassemblement pour être plus représentatifs ensemble. Exploitant l'expérience de professionnels de la promotion (40 ans), de la construction (15 ans), du développement de réseaux en Franchise (25 ans) et de la communication (10 ans), mais aussi le savoir faire éprouvé acquis par plusieurs entreprises pilotes, Norman Parker® propose des solutions avantageuses en terme de:
contrats d'assurance DO;
expertise foncière;
outils informatiques de gestion et de suivi des promotions;
assistance juridique;
solutions de commercialisation;
outils de communication;
... Toutes les solutions proposées par Norman Parker® sont autant de leviers pour péréniser, développer et valoriser l'entreprise de promoteurs sélectionnés sur la France entière.

Un contexte économique favorable
Le contexte politique et économique et la conjoncture sociale actuels sont particulièrement propices aux investisseurs qui choisissent l'immobilier locatif grâce à des investissements financés par les loyers encaissés et des réductions d'impôts substantielles. En effet, les marchés financiers instables en raison des incertitudes politiques internationales et l’importante pénurie locative sévissant dans toutes les grandes agglomérations françaises renforcent le caractère d’investissement privilégié de la pierre.
Les épargnants soucieux de se constituer un patrimoine pour leur avenir ont donc désormais tout intérêt à investir dans la pierre. Pour encourager la construction de logements locatifs et soutenir le bâtiment, les gouvernements ont en effet presque tous créé des avantages fiscaux, qui portent, en général, le nom des ministres du logement qui les ont promus.
La loi Besson/Robien, les dispositifs Malraux, relatifs aux monuments historiques, aux zones rurales à revitaliser et biens d'autres vous permettent d'envisager avec NORMAN PARKER de nouveaux projets


BioPak Limited – Corporate Profile – April 2007Business: World Class Manufacturing in CanadaCurrently, BioPak Limited is a contract manufacturer of branded, high-quality nutritional supplements in the form of tablets and capsules. BioPak provides a comprehensive range of services covering all aspects of the process
- from (1) product conception and design
(2) raw material procurement to
(3) product formulation and product manufacture to
(4) custom packaging solutions.

The company is recognized as a trusted and capable leader in this field.Since its establishment in December of 1995, BioPak has experienced significant success: steady growth from $45K in 1996 to $400K in 1999, the rapid growth to $6M in 2004. In fact, BioPak Ltd. was recognized as #36 of the Top 100 fastest growing companies in Canada in 2004. BioPak projects US$10.61M gross revenue for its May07-Apr08 fiscal year and expects to earn more than US$2.65M gross profit based on its current business model and customer base.However, BioPak has the opportunity and ability to expand its current contract manufacturing business into other dosage forms (such as liquids, creams, oils and soft gels) and to move its business activities to another level by:

(1) licensing and re-branding existing products for distribution into new markets and by
(2) creating its own brands for world-wide distribution. Senior management at BioPak has already begun to implement the internal changes and build the external relationships required to successfully accomplish these goals.Facility:

World Class Building and EquipmentConstructed in 2003, with over US$1 million in leasehold improvements when BioPak occupied the building as its only tenant (today’s cost for similar improvements would exceed US$2 million).40,000 sq. ft.

(3,700 sq. meters) state-of-the-art building - housing a full range of modern equipment with substantial remaining life-spans. BioPak also rents an additional 5,000 sq. ft. warehouse space in an adjacent building for additional inventory storage.Building rented at below current market prices -4 years remain on the rental agreement - BioPak has first right for renewal of the agreement.State-of-the-art security systems, including 12 camera, remote access, video surveillance system.High-quality heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.Ample parking facilities on recently paved and landscaped grounds (parking for customers, suppliers, management and administrative staff in front, parking for production and warehouse staff in rear).Building is fully insulated with all interior surfaces (including ceilings) designed for easy maintenance and cleaning.Excellent facilities for all staff, including modern lunchroom, washrooms, and changing rooms.Capability and Capacity:

World Class Ability with Scale-Up PotentialProvides a full range of manufacturing capability from product conception to finished product.Recognized as a world leader in
(1) rapid production,
(2) excellent customer service and
(3) dependable delivery of high-quality products.Accreditation: Natural Health Products Directorate Site License (which validates BioPak’s Good Manufacturing Practices status) and Health Canada Controlled Substance License.

One of the first North American facilities approved by the Saudi Ministry of Health for the manufacture of herbal and dietary supplements for distribution to the Saudi Arabian market.Ability and existing space to expand manufacturing capability to include liquids, creams, oils and soft gels.Ability to move business activities to another level by
(1) licensing and re-branding existing products for distribution into new markets and by (2) creating its own brands for world-wide distribution.Ability to run 24 hours per day / 7 days per week, for maximum annual production capacities of: Blending – 5000 metric tones, Encapsulation
– 2 billion capsules, Tablet Pressing – 2 billion tablets, Bottling – 75 million bottles, and Packaging – 100 million blister cards.Estimated Replacement Cost of BioPak’s World Class FacilityThe Province of Alberta, Canada, where BioPak is located, has experienced a significant economic boom during the past few years. Due in large part to increased oil prices, the cost of land, buildings and material has increased dramatically. This means that establishing a new facility with capacity and capability similar to BioPak’s would be a comparably expensive proposition.BioPak management estimates that the total cost for duplicating the existing facility would be US$10 million or more.Staffing• BioPak possesses an excellent management team and a highly trained production staff. Current staffing levels are: 32 in total, 20 in production and shipping, 12 in management and operational / administrative support.• During periods of peak activity, BioPak has employed up to 100 people.

The company has the ability to quickly adjust manpower to accommodate changes in demand and meet the required production levels.BioPak Limited –
The FutureAs stated previously, BioPak has the opportunity and ability to expand its current contract manufacturing business into other dosage forms (such as liquids, creams, oils and soft gels) and to move its business activities to another level by (1) licensing and re-branding existing products for distribution into new markets and by (2) creating its own brands for world-wide distribution.

Mr. Bret Smith (President and CEO) and Mr. Gordon Stranks (Business Consultant) have already begun to implement the internal changes and extend or build the external relationships required to successfully accomplish these goals.Mr. Smith and Mr. Stranks are in the process of restructuring BioPak’s business model and establishing new strategic goals for the company. Actions and initiatives in progress include, but are not limited to the following:Staffing and management restructuring designed to reduce expense while increasing productivity.Renegotiation of customer contracts to enable higher margins.Renegotiation of supplier prices to reduce materials costs.Aligning customer base with BioPak core competency and required margins.Renewed emphasis on exemplary customer service.Identification of potential products for licensing, manufacture, re-branding and distribution into new markets.Exploration of existing and emerging product opportunities for purchase and “own branding” by BioPak.Considering BioPak’s opportunity and ability to move its business activities to another level, management believes it can rapidly and substantially increase both gross revenue and gross profit above the current projections that were based upon the company’s prior operational efficiency and business model.
Publié par Arab Enviro Foundation à l'adresse 02:19

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Publié par Arab Enviro Foundation à l'adresse 02:43

فرص استثمارية في قطر

أهلاً بكم في موقعنا، وهذه دعوة لتقليب صحفات مضيئة من كتاب بروة..قطر: جذور عميقة وآفاق رحبةترتبط بروة ارتباطاً وثيقاً بهذه الأمة، وتفخر بأنها ولدت على هذه الأرض المعطاءة، قطر التي نتنفس هواءها ونستلهم رؤيتنا من تاريخها، هي شراكتنا وثروتنا الحقيقية، منها ننطلق نحو التفوق وإليها نعود، لينعكس حبنا لهذه الأرض عملاً يؤسس القاعدة العمرانية التي تساهم في النهضة الاقتصادية الشاملة لقطر، ويمنح المستقبل ضماناً أكثر رسوخاً ونجاحاً.أصبحت قطر محط أنظار العالم كله، هذه الدولة التي حققت سرعة نمو قياسية في اقتصادها وصلت إلى 6.5% سنوياً في السنوات الخمس الأخيرة، ووضعت علامة فارقة في المشهد الاقتصادي العالمي،
هذه الكلمة العهد، التي طالما توّجت تعاملات الناس وعلاقاتهم في أسواق الدوحة القديمة، اخترنا أن تكون اسماً لشركتنا، ونبراساً يهدي خطانا، بكل ما تحمله من معاني الثقة والالتزام، في 15 نوفمبر 2005 جاء إعلان ميلاد شركة بروة العقارية بشعارها "لقطر المستقبل" ليعلن ولادة حلول عقارية متكاملة لم تألفها دولة قطر من قبللشركة بروة باع طويل في السوق العقاري المحلي والعالمي، ونحن نوظف جميع خبراتنا لخدمة مجتمعاتنا وشركائنا ومساهمينا، ونتميز بفرادة مشاريعنا، واهتمامنا بأدق التفاصيل ليكون كل مشروع تحفة إنشائية فريدة بحد ذاتها، ونتبع لذلك قواعد جودة صارمة لا نساوم عليها، فنحن لا نبني ثم نمضي، بل نتابع وندير أعمالنا معتمدين على قوة معرفتنا وخبراتنا المشتركة مع شركائنا ومستشارينا، كما أننا نستثمر في شركات إدارة مرافق على مستوى عالمي،
Barwa IntroductionIntroducing Barwa to you is a pleasure. Ours is a company that has drawn on our heritage in order to emerge as one of Qatar’s foremost, innovative real estate conglomerates. We are driven by an honourable promise. We have given the nation our word that we will partner Qatar in its drive to develop a glowing future.
Qatar has revealed its ambitions to the world and proven beyond question its capability to build a lasting legacy for future generations. Visionary leadership meticulous planning, discerning investments, and secure growth; these are the promises of this nation and these are precisely the promises Barwa has made both to our stakeholders and to Qatar.
In our march towards fulfilling this pledge we have secured phenomenal growth on behalf of our investors, stakeholders and every community in which we operate. In the next few paragraphs we unveil the ‘essence’ of Barwa and offer you a glimpse of what lies at our core.
Qatar: The land that gave us our wings & rootsBarwa is intrinsically linked to the nation of Qatar. As a company we take immense pride in the fact that Qatar is the land of our birth. It is this land that has given us our breath and this land that we partner, in endeavours great and small. Our loyalty to this nation is undeniable; our love for this nation is immeasurable, and our ambition to partner it in its drive for excellence is unquenchable.
Qatar has an ancient history that stretches 4 millenniums into the past; a past that is vibrant and rich; a past that has celebrated culture and the spirit of enterprise. This is the heritage that has given us our roots.
The eyes of the world have been drawn towards this nation’s strength. The strength it possesses as a new frontier of the global economy. As one of the world’s fastest growing economies Qatar has been in the spotlight for the colossal opportunities it has presented for growth and development, not least in the real estate sector. This nation with its open doors has welcomed both local and international investors. Experts have termed Qatar’s economy as the top performer in the Middle East, with average annual real GDP growth of around 6.5% over the past five years. Qatar’s per capita income levels, approaching $30,000, are among the highest in the world. With a wisely diversifying economy Qatar is being rated by many as the future business hub of the Middle East.
“In June BARWA announced its huge strategic project BARWA Real Estate Bank, which we hope will become the first specialist bank in the country for the construction and real estate sector, with initial investment capital of Q.R 1 billion”.

Invest in Dubai

AED 2.9 billion contract awarded to Al Habtoor/Murray & Roberts JVDubai, June 10th 2008
Nakheel, a Dubai World company and one of the world's largest and most innovative real estate developers, has signed a contract with an Al Habtoor / Murray & Roberts joint venture for the construction of the Trump International Hotel & Tower on Palm Jumeirah.

The contract valued at AED 2.9 billion has been awarded for the construction of the eagerly awaited 62-storey structure, which is set to become a focal point of the Palm Jumeirah. The 270 metre design, which has a total gross built-up area in excess of 250,000 square metres, will feature two towers that rise above the Palm Monorail and central park, merging as one towards the sky. The development comprises a unit mix of 378 hotel rooms and suites, 385 condominiums, 12 exclusive townhouses, and 45,000 square feet of retail and 60,000 square feet of office space.

Trump International Hotel & Tower Dubai is the only planned mixed-use development in Dubai under the Trump name, bringing Donald Trump's internationally respected brand cache and legendary implementation, service standards and world class properties to the emirate for the first time. The building will offer panoramic views of the Arabian Gulf and a range of exclusive leisure facilities including a private beach, yacht club, and a multitude of fine dining experiences.Donald J. Trump, Chairman and President, The Trump Organization, said:

"Trump, Nakheel and Dubai—this is a combination that makes a luxury destination point an absolute necessity for the world traveller. Trump International Hotel & Tower Dubai will not only be spectacular, but will offer the ultimate in luxury with the finest amenities available in the world. That's what Trump stands for, and that's what we'll deliver. Having the combined expertise of the Al Habtoor/Murray & Roberts construction teams will ensure the greatness of our plans. I'm looking forward to a fantastic success!"

Chris O'Donnell, Nakheel CEO, said:"Nakheel and Donald Trump have come together to create one of the most anticipated new builds in Dubai and perhaps the world. No other development in Dubai will offer the same standards of service and amenities in such a highly coveted location - where else in the world could you step out of your luxury apartment and have instant access to world class marinas, 30 five star hotels, Atlantis and Cirque du Soleil?

"The partnership with the Al Habtoor / Murray & Roberts joint venture will ensure that the bold and ambitious design of Trump International Hotel & Tower Dubai is brought to life. Both construction companies have vast experience of delivering high quality developments across the Middle East and possess the expertise necessary to turn this iconic design into reality."
Trump International Hotel & Tower Dubai is the first joint venture between Nakheel and The Trump Organisation with construction on the project commencing in July 2008 and completion due in May 2011.

Al Habtoor Leighton Group was established in September 2007 following the merger of Al Habtoor Engineering with the Arabian Gulf operations of Leighton International. The new entity immediately became the UAE's largest construction group, with revenue of over AED 6 billion in 2007. Murray & Roberts is South Africa's leading construction and engineering group specialising in a number of regions across the world including the Middle East.
Publié par Arab Enviro Foundation à l'adresse 11:55

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mardi 26 août 2008

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Home -> Resorts -> Angsana Resort at Ihuru

Surrounded by the unspoiled natural beauty of the Maldives, Angsana Resort & Spa Maldives Ihuru seduces with the hedonistic pleasures of a spa retreat and the promise of halcyon days in the sumptuous comfort of your own villa. Encircled by a shallow lagoon, Ihuru, with its pristine reef teeming with Technicolor corals and diverse marine life, palm-fringed beach and crystalline waters, is o­ne of the most photographed Maldivian islands.Surrounded by dazzling white talc sand and the bluest of waters teeming with astonishing soft corals and fish sparkling in brilliant colors, the exquisite beauty of this tropical haven is all yours. After all, its beaches and waters remain accessible o­nly to resort guests.

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Home -> Resorts -> Baros Maldives

Baros Maldives, a circle of dazzling, pristine sands gently placed in the clearest turquoise waters. The resort is a unique blend of island amour and delightful indulgence set in harmony with nature. Baros Maldives embodies the essence of Maldives. It exists in total harmony with its natural environment. A harmony repeat guests - and there are many - have revealed in for years. The re-conception of Baros preserves the essential spirit and soul of Baros while creating a luxury resort.
Unique experiences, original dining venues. Service dedicated to the desires of each guest, architecture that celebrates and preserves the nature. Accommodation at the new Baros is gracious and luxurious, rendered in natural elements like wood, stone and coconut thatch. The villas are set on stilts in the lagoon or on the edge of the ocean.